(201) 754 - 4GOD

Friars of Saint Joseph – Is GOD calling you? We are a Franciscan Community that follows the way of St. Francis of Assisi and Saint Clare. As secular and religious members we imitate Jesus in little ways with a life of prayer, sacrifice, and service. FSJ members take a vow of service, charity, and obedience. If you are interested in joining – reach out to us. We covenant together to observe and live the gospel of Christ and go forth as witnesses and instruments of the Church’s mission among all people, to rebuild and devote ourselves in spiritual fellowship with people of faith everywhere. We are Franciscan in spirit of peace, transforming love and hope.Sacraments to Go & Education!
At Saint Joseph Mission we believe that God is everywhere. We also recognize the need to bring the Word of God and the Holy Sacraments to the world. Please see out Sacrament page to find out more about our weddings, baptism, holy communion, confession, and anointing the sick. As the Gospel of Matthew tells us, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." And so is your ministry team at the Saint Joseph Mission, you need only call us.
Saint Joseph Mission has a strong call to educate the world, those with special needs, those in the margins, and those who are lost, confused, and who are willing to open their minds and their hearts to the saving call of God. Our Priests also teach for JEM- Jesuit Common Online learning for 3rd World Counties and those in refuge camps hoping to flee hostility, war, and hatred in their own country.
Visiting those in Need
Saint Joseph Mission is able to visit those in Nursing Homes, HOSPICE & Assisted Care, those in Prison or Jail, and those who call the street itself their home. We will provide fresh food or flowers and a "listening ear" to the residents, those with addiction issues, and those who are victims of society and injustice; when requested and able. We can also provide a church service and offer to read short devotionals and pray for residents, small groups, or anyone who seeks our services.
Social Justice & Advocacy
Our Social Justice Communities strive to address social issues in light of our faith. Our efforts strive for systemic change in our society, as well as direct outreach assistance. The activities undertaken include prayer, awareness, education, and action. There are several Social Justice ministries Saint Joseph Mission hopes to have an impact upon: Poverty, Equality, "ALL lives Matter", LGBTQ inclusion, the Right to Work for all people. If you would like to help us in any of these areas or would like to address a Social Justice issue you feel is not being addressed, please sign up in this category.
Interfaith Ministry
At Saint Joseph Mission we know that only by working together, to unite all people and faiths in prayer, ministry, fellowship, and accountability is our only hope to become a supportive environment that touches the lives of the world. We hope to promote mentoring opportunities that lead to significant vital relationships. And to become a magnet for service and a resource for other church ministries and missions. Our hope is to provide a series of events that will promote fellowship, outreach, and evangelism.